Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hurricane 2010 RaceTo Paintball Tournament Series Info

Hurricane 2010 RaceTo Paintball Tournament Series Info

As previously rumored, Jeff Stein and the New England Hurricanes are proud to formally announce the new Hurricane Tournament Series. The HTS will cater to paintball players in the New England area and serve as a feeder series to tournament paintball on a national level in the PSP. Read on for a first look at the Hurricane Tournament Series.

“The Hurricane Tournament Series (HTS) is the PSP Regional Affiliate League for the Northeast and as such, will play the RaceTo format, following PSP rules and using the APPA system. As with all APPA events, registration will be publicly viewable and scores and schedules will be available online.

For 2010, we will hold 3 events, on 5/23, 7/25 and 9/26. Every HTS tournament is a stand-alone event, so you do not have to buy in for the entire season. Rosters will be limited to 12 players, but will not be locked.

We will run two divisions in 2010. A D3/4 division and a D2 division. Details for both are below:

D3 D2
Format RaceTo4 RaceTo5
Entry $500 $550
Matches/Event 4 3
Estimated Paint/Event (Prelims) 24 24
Total Estimated Cost/Event $1460 $1510
Total Estimated Cost/Season $4750 $4900

Each event will feature:

  • Reffing by the New England Hurricanes.
  • A specific day set aside for field walking and scrimmaging with the Hurricanes. The ‘Canes will spend the day on site, walking fields and practicing and, if your team is registered for the event, you can join us. Think of it as a free team clinic.
  • At each event, the Hurricanes will select at least 10 people to attend a free individual clinic, to be taught by Hurricane players or staff.
  • Tentatively, Coach DA will be at each event as a player liaison, to talk to teams when they are between matches, gathering feedback on the event and trying to make sure everyone is getting what they want out of the event.

Our inaugural event will be held at Camelot Paintball in Chicopee, MA. As soon as the snow melts, we will release a schedule of practices that the Hurricanes will hold at Camelot and we hope all the teams in the northeast come out to join us.

For more information, check You can also check the Hurricanes’ team forum on PbNation or our Facebook Fan page. You may also email contact the league at

We appreciate the opportunity to represent the PSP in the northeast and to be partnered with such successful regional leagues as the WCPPL, AZPPL, CFOA, CFPS and the VICIOUS Series and look forward to the opportunity to work with the many great fields throughout the north east to provide a positive player experience for players both new and old.”

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