Friday, February 19, 2010

PPB Interview with Tyler Harmon of Sacramento XSV

PPB Interview with Tyler Harmon of Sacramento XSV

Tyler Dean Harmon recently made the move from Aftermath to XSV. Arthur Chan of Seburo recently had the opportunity to ask Tyler a few questions on the move to one of the biggest names in professional paintball. Read on for an inside look at the moving and shaking currently taking place in pro paintball.

Arthur: How did the move come about – did XSV approached you or you were looking for a move to another team?

Tyler: The move came about for me after Mike Hinman of team Aftermath made the decision to build himself a local empire this season with the talent that he has all around him in southern California. This way there wouldn’t have to be a separation of distance for his team to practice every single weekend and he could build something lasting that won’t have to change every season. Junior Brown approached me at the end of 2009 with the very same idea in mind as Mike; to build something local with the talent we have up here in northern California. I have known a lot of the guys on the team since the very beginning of my paintball experience and was more than happy (STOKED!) to be a part of the re-birth of a team I have watched grow and flourish ever since the first practices here in Modesto out at Riches field years back.

Arthur: What the reason for the move?
Tyler: The reason for my move to XSV is because I will be able to play paintball with some of my best friends in the world and build a team with Rich and Thomas and Junior that will be lasting and have room for tons of growth.

Arthur: Why did you choose XSV?

Tyler: I chose XSV because it’s time for me to give back to the community that raised me into the sport and helped me achieve the dream of becoming a professional paintball player. Without the community here in Modesto opening it’s field to me I don’t know where I would be today…..I definitely wouldn’t be as happy and as blessed as I am right now. I chose XSV because I am ready to build a team with the talent we have here in northern California and experience all of the joys that are sure to come with some of my best friends!

Arthur: Are you on XSV for PSP and NPPL?

Tyler: I am on Sacramento XSV for the PSP x-ball format, and I am still going to be playing for Oakland BLAST in the USPL 7-man format. This is going to be an amazing season!

Arthur: Whats in store for Tyler Harmon after school finishes?

Tyler: Watch out world!!! I dream of being able to travel to as many countries as I possibly can, and play paintball with everyone!! I would love to get on a team in Europe, and Canada, and Australia and share the love of paintball all around the world with as many people as I possibly can! Paintball is such a blessing to me and I would have no greater pleasure in life than experiencing this blessing with as many people around the world as I possibly can.

Thank you giving me the opportunity to tell you about my up and coming season with XSV.

God bless everyone!

Tyler Harmon


When not writing for Pro Paintball dot Com, Arthur runs a paintball blog known as Seburo.

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