Thursday, February 25, 2010

PPB Exclusive: Russian Legion Clone

PPB Exclusive: Russian Legion Clone

Earlier in December, ProPaintball announced that Russian Legion would be shooting the MacDev Clone this year. We received some EXCLUSIVE pictures of their new private label MacDev Clone markers. Along with the pictures came an official statement from Russian Legion. Looks like MacDev should be a strong presence in 2010. Here’s the statement:

The Russian Legion is proud to announce their new gun sponsor for 2010; MacDev. RL will be using the MacDev Clone, and will introduce new custom marker designs throughout the year. We are very excited about this partnership.
All the Russian Legion players got their new Clone Markers a few weeks ago from MacDev Australia, and they wanted to share their first impressions about their new toys: (this is also the finalized roster for Russian Legion 2010)

Kirill Prihidni: I love the gun, and the box actually comes with everything including the barrel, tools, even spare parts, lugs and manual.
Kostia Federov: It shoots softer and more accurately than the LUXE!
Vasia Panteleev: It shoots very straight, and is easy to aim with since its simple design.
Matt Blonski: This gun is hot fire. Shoots soft and straight, and its lighter than anything I’ve ever used.
Maloy Berdnikov: Well… I like it more than my Bazooka.
Dave Bains: I love shooting this gun off the break, since it has almost no kick. you can really let some nice streams go.
Dima Kulikov: The switch from Closer to CLONE was seamless, very easy to get use to.
Justin Rabackoff: Best gun for a front guy by far.
Mishka Kniazev: It has an amazingly close spread at long distances out of the box!
Sergey Sonishkov: Can I make it longer? I am use to my AK.

As you can see everyone thinks these new markers are great. The guns fits very well in your hands and have a great feel to them, and they shoot soft and straight. It is easily taken apart which is a nice change from past markers we have used. In conclusion the CLONE ideally fits our needs in order for us to finish where we want this year. We are very grateful MacDev could send the first markers out so early to Moscow and around the US, so we can get used to them before the first PSP event, Phoenix. Where we will introduce it to competition at the Pro Level.

The RL is also proud to announce that PB Customs Laser Engraving from Germany has joined Legion’s prestigious sponsor list. There are already two new designs for the CLONE markers; one based on the famous Russian AK-47 and military, while the second embraces Soviet stereotypes like Ivan Drago(Rocky 4), Iron netting, the USSR and many more things the team is constantly associated with. The markers are very unique and we have received a few, and we are pleasantly surprised about the high-quality of Laser Engraving which PB Customs can accomplish.

The guns will be available through Virtue Paintball, as well as custom tanks from Guerilla Air for Russian Legion, and other custom soft goods which will announced shortly.

Russian Legion